Director(s): Teddy Chan
Produced: Peter Chan (陈可辛)
Writer(s): Tin Nam Chun (writer) & Junli Guo (writer) Starring: Donnie Yen (甄子丹), Nicholas
Tse (谢霆锋), Xueqi Wang (王学圻), Tony Leung (梁家辉), Leon Lai (黎明), Jun Hu
(胡军), Bingbing Fan (范冰冰), Eric Tsang (曾志伟), Bojie Wang (王柏杰), Yuchun Li
(李宇春), Mengke Bateer (巴特尔), Yun Zhou (周韵), Simon Yam (任达华), Hanyu Zhang
(张涵予), Zhong Lu (吕中), Yu-Hang To (杜宇航), Xingyu Shi (释行宇), Cung Le
(黎烈弓), John Sham (岑建勋), Michelle Lee (李嘉欣), & Jacky Cheung (张学友)
1905, City of Victoria (British Colony of Hong Kong). Before Dr. Sun
Yat-Sen can become the Father of Modern China by instigating the
revolution of 1911 that overturns the Qing Dynasty, his life is almost
cut short when he arrives at Hong Kong for a secret meeting to establish
a united anti-Qing revolutionary front.
In the distance of thirteen blocks, the one man Dr. Sun Yat-Sen who
holds a nation’s fate must survive relentless attempts on his life with
only five bodyguards, a group of ordinary men and women who actually
possess extraordinary fighting skills. Against hundreds of assassins,
these men must put their courage to the test in order to protect the
hope of millions even if it means fighting to the death..