Feb 21, 2011

The Social Network - 社会网络2010

◎片名 The Social Network
◎ 年代 2010
◎導演 大衛·芬奇 David Fincher
傑西·艾森伯格 Jesse Eisenberg....Mark Zuckerberg
安德魯·加菲爾德 Andrew Garfield....Eduardo Saverin
賈斯汀·丁伯萊克 Justin Timberlake....Sean Parker
魯妮·瑪拉 Rooney Mara....Erica
拉什達·瓊斯 Rashida Jones....Marylin Delpy
布 蘭達·宋 Brenda Song....Christy Lee
約瑟夫·梅澤羅 Joseph Mazzello....Dustin Moskovitz
瑪萊斯·裘 Malese Jow....Alice
One night the fall of 2003, the Department of Psychology at Harvard University student Mark Zuckerberg (Jesse Eisenberg decorated) sit down in front of his computer, and began very warm with a new idea idea: For the millions of annual salary has rejected Microsoft's work and determined to university studies in a small talent, nothing mind than he now plans to more exciting: Mark to do a site covering all the world, he Everybody has to work, study, entertainment, friends ... ... Edward Savimbi his roommate (Andrew Lujia Field ornaments) While the idea that Mark is too crazy and unrealistic, but in view of the invasion before Mark Hacking School Network "great", Edward and Mark decided to join the final design of this very large site.They do not realize the site make this seemingly reckless plan, has brought a global movie downloading network and communication revolution. With their creation of the website called facebook, in just six hours to gather the 500 million users, Mark became the youngest billionaire in history, completely changed his life and the people around him. However, the successful entrepreneur, in a brilliant career achievements and vast wealth behind, but had to face split with a friend, and more so that he is in interests of the trap ... ...

Download Link

File format BD-RMVB 1G
http://www.fileserve.com/file/9K ... l.Network.part1.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/KR ... l.Network.part2.rar
http://www.fileserve.com/file/He ... l.Network.part3.rar
http://bitshare.com/files/p6u8e0 ... work.part1.rar.html
http://bitshare.com/files/k2yk4v ... work.part2.rar.html
http://bitshare.com/files/wco6x9 ... work.part3.rar.html

File format Rmvb 684MB
Filesonic link 1
Filesonic link 2
Filesonic link 3

Bitshare link 1
Bitshare link 2
Bitshare link 3

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